How DIRTEA Used Storytelling and Digital Strategy to Build a Wellness Movement on TikTok

DIRTEA Founders

DIRTEA isn’t just another wellness brand—it’s a powerhouse in the growing adaptogenic market. With rapid growth and revenues climbing year over year, they’ve captured the attention of health-conscious consumers by doing one thing differently: storytelling.

DIRTEA’s journey began with a personal story. Founders Andrew and Simon Salter spent over a decade building brands and businesses. But in the chaos, they hit burnout—chronic symptoms like anxiety, sleep deprivation, and brain fog started creeping in. That’s when they discovered the healing powers of mushroom tea.

After a life-changing mushroom tea ceremony in London, the brothers felt a noticeable shift in their health—better sleep, reduced stress, and more clarity than ever before. And just like that, DIRTEA was born.

Want to stand out in the wellness space?
DIRTEA found the answer.

It wasn’t just the quality of the product. It wasn’t even the health benefits alone.
Storytelling was the game-changer.

While others focused on product ingredients, DIRTEA did something different.
They showed how real people integrated DIRTEA into their lives.

→ Morning routines.
→ Post-workout recovery.
→ Wind-down rituals before bed.

That’s it. Simple, relatable stories.
No over-the-top health claims. No hard sell.

The result? DIRTEA became part of their customers’ lifestyles.
They built trust by sharing why medicinal mushrooms matter.
They made it personal with real stories, real routines.

And here’s the thing—people loved it.

Campaigns like #MyDIRTEADaily didn’t just sell products. They created community.

DIRTEA used:
→ Influencers who embodied the brand’s holistic message.
→ Seasonal campaigns that tapped into what people needed most (Winter Immunity, anyone?).
→ Educational videos that explained the science, without the boring.

The Results?
Their marketing strategy delivered BIG:

  • Social engagement shot up, with campaigns like #MyDIRTEADaily creating real community connections.
  • Increased conversions from storytelling-driven ads that got straight to the point: health, made personal.
  • More return customers thanks to their focus on building trust through relatable, everyday routines.
  • Expanding brand visibility with influencers, seasonal campaigns, and powerful video content that resonated with their target audience.

And guess what? The results speak for themselves.
DIRTEA didn’t just sell wellness products. They built a movement.

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